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001, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 41 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
002, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 73 x 73 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 800만원
003, 권영범, 어떤여행 (un Voyage), 50 x 65 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 450만원
004, 권영범, 어떤여행 (un Voyage), 53 x 73 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 600만원
005, 권영범, 일상 (La vie quotidien), 65 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 450만원
006, 권영범, 일상 (La vie quotidien), 65 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 450만원
007, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 41 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
008, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 17.5 x 53.0 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 180만원
009, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 100 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 1250만원
010, 권영범, 어떤여행 (un Voyage), 41 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
011, 권영범, 어떤여행 (un Voyage), 25.5 x 18.5 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 90만원
012, 권영범, 일상(日常) La vie quotidien, 21.0 x 15.5 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 70만원
013, 권영범, 일상(日常) La vie quotidien, 41 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
014, 권영범, 기억저편 (Au dela de la memoir), 41 x 53 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
015, 권영범, 어떤여행 (un Voyage) 사계, 16.5 x 16.5 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 300만원
036, 권영범, 일상(日常) La vie quotidien, 39 x 39 cm, oil on canvas, 2024, 240만원
016, Yoon Jeong Lee, Desert Wind, 146 x 112 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 2900만원
017, Yoon Jeong Lee, Black Forest, 45.5 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
018, Yoon Jeong Lee, Harbor in the evening, 112 x 112 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 2900만
019, Yoon Jeong Lee, Gate 12, 91 x 117 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 1900만원
020, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nature 37, 53.0 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
021, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nocturne 56, 97 x 97 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 2200만원
022, Yoon Jeong Lee, Gate 15, 45.5 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
023, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nocturne 55, 117 x 91cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 1900만원
024, Yoon Jeong Lee, Blue Haze, 45.5 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
025, Yoon Jeong Lee, One Afternoon, 53.0 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
026, Yoon Jeong Lee, Grey Haze, 45.5 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
027, Yoon Jeong Lee, Rainstorm, 30 x 30 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 220만원
028, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nature 39, 30 x 30 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 220만원
029, Yoon Jeong Lee, Rain 2, 53.0 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
030, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nocturne 58, 53.0 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
031, Yoon Jeong Lee, Gate 11, 112 x 112 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 2900만원
032, Yoon Jeong Lee, Sandy Wind, 53.0 x 45.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 370만원
033, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nocturne 57, 73.0 x 60.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 720만원
034, Yoon Jeong Lee, Nocturne 59, 100.0 x 80.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 1550만원
035, Yoon Jeong Lee, Dream passage 2, 73.0 x 60.5 cm, Oil and Mixed Media, 2024, 720만원

권영범 이윤정 2인전 '침묵의 소리'

2024. 10.04 - 2024. 10.16  ㅣ  11:00 - 19:00 (토요일 휴관)  ㅣ  GALLERY KAF  ㅣ  02 - 6489 - 8608

권영범 작가노트​

꿈과 미련으로부터, 기억과 시간으로부터, 습관과 위로로부터, 나로부터, 지금으로부터 떠나기.


Depart from dream, sympathy, memory, time, wont, hierarchy, myself and the present.



눈에 보이는 것이 전부가 아니라는 사실을 눈치채고

먼 길을 지나와 슬그머니 자리 잡은 낙타의 휴식처럼 침묵한다.

결국엔 침묵이다.



Until realizing that what’s been seen is not everything,

I become silent like the rest of a camel that has passed a long way and has settled down. In the end, the silence is all there is to it.

- Kweon Young-bum


이윤정 작가노트​

내 삶에 녹아있는 기억,경험,이미지를 마음을따라 그려나간다...내가 표현하고자하는 느낌을 찿아떠난 과정속에서 그림은 나의직감을 투시하며 완성되어간다. 마음에 조화롭게 느껴지면 작업은 끝난다.

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Artverse KAF

서울특별시 서초구 서초중앙로 68 화선빌딩, 2층

11:00 - 19:00 (토요일 휴관)

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